School Information
Information of the school required to be uploaded on website
1.Name of the School with address |
St. Michael’s High School,PO.- Digha Ghat, Patna-800011 |
(i)Email | |
(ii) Phone No. |
0612-2262450/ 2262532 |
2. Year of establishment of School 1858
3.Whether NOC from State? |
(i)NOC no. |
No.13/Pra 32-03/84E/163( C ) |
(ii)NOC issuing date |
03/08/1984 |
4.Is the school recognized, if yes by which Authority CBSE, New Delhi
5.Status of affiliation:Permanent/ Regular/ Provisional |
Regular |
(i) Affiliation No. |
330004 |
(ii) Affiliation with the Board since |
(iii) Extension of affiliation upto |
31/03/2018 |
6.Name of Society Registered under Section 25 of the Company Act, 1956 |
St. Michael’s Educational Association |
Period upto which Registration of Society is Valid |
No. 533/83-84, dated 28/2/1984 |
7. List of members of school Managing Committee with their Address / tenure and post held |
8.Name and official address of the Manager /
President/ Chairman/ Correspondent |
Fr. Joseph Maripuram, S.J.
Secretary, St. Michael’s High School, Patna |
(i) Email |
_____ |
(ii) Ph. No. |
0612-2262532 |
(ii)Fax No. |
_____ |
1. In Acres |
21.55 |
2. In sq. mtrs. |
87209.75542 |
3. Build up area (sq. mtrs) |
13812.86 |
4. Area of playground in sq. mtrs |
20460 |
5. Other facilities |
(i) Swimming Pool |
yes |
(ii) Indoor games |
yes |
(iii) Dance Rooms |
_______ |
(iv) Gymnasium |
_______ |
(v) Music Rooms |
yes |
(vi) Hostels |
_______ |
(vii) Health and Medical Check Up |
_______ |
10.Detail of fee structure : Please, see Fee structure under Admission
1. Own buses |
_______ |
2. Buses hired on contract basis |
yes |
3. Details of transport charges |
______________ |
12. Particulars of teaching staff (to be updated time to time) : Please , see Hierarchy under About us
13. Details of salary being paid by school to teaching staff/non teaching staff :Please , see Hierarchy under About us
14. Mode of payment of salary
1. Name of the bank through which salary is drawing |
UCO Bank, Digha Ghat Branch |
2. Through single cheque transfer advice |
through single cheque transfer advice |
3. Individual cheque |
______________ |
4. Cash |
______________ |
15. Library facilities
1. Size of Library in sq foot |
________ |
2. No of Periodicals |
813 |
3. No of Dailies |
06 |
4. No of Refrence books class-wise |
895 |
5. No of Magazine |
20 |
6. Others |
______ |
16. Name of the Grievance / redressal Officer
With Email, Ph. No, Fax No. |
Fr. B. Arockiasamy, S.J. |
17. Member of Sexual Harassments Committee |
Mrs Neena kumari, Miss Sindhya,
Dr. Nishindra kinjalk
19. Academic Session period |
From April to March |
20. Vacation period |
From May to June |
21. Admission period |
From Feb. to June |